Automotive Belt Drive Systems

EPDM Belts
They transmit power from the motor to all power transmission accessories.They resist both to high and low temperatures, dynamic loads on the front-end of the transmission and abrasion. They offer outstanding acoustic performance.

Thermoset Pulleys
They decrease inertia and, as a result, reduce vibration levels. Adapted to any types of accessory water pumps, power steering pumps and air conditioning compressors, cranshaft.

Hydraulic Belt Tensioners
They reduce vibrations in the front-end of the transmission and optimize belt tension, extending the lifespan of the Poly V® belt life cycle. They're particularly well suited for applications with a high dynamic behavior.

Decoupling Alternator Pulleys (DAP)
They improve vibratory performance of the power transmission, decrease dynamic tension in the belt, and prevent the belt from sliding on the pulleys and the strands from fluttering. They also optimize the belt operating tension.