Hutchinson has its own "Fire Test" center of excellence


Already approved by main players of the aviation industry, the Fire Tech center (FTC) now intends to be the center of excellence for all mobility actors.

Hutchinson is a key player in the aviation domain and has brought all of its thermal protection and fire skills and expertise together in its Fire Tech Center. Created in 2017 and located in Chemillé (France), the FTC is a 600m² facility dedicated to fire tests applicable to aircrafts.

Already approved by the main OEM of Aerospace industry, Fire Tech Center has been ISO17025 (COFRAC) approved in 2018 for the main flammability tests (vertical flame tests, flame propagation tests, smoke density & toxicity tests, ...). An active member of the aircraft thermal protection and fire working groups organised by the FAA Tech Center (Federal Aviation Administration), the FTC is involved in the technical evaluation of new standards. The FTC will be extending its skills to other mobility sectors. The ISO5659-2 tests will be proposed to companies involved in the railway industry in 2019.

Thanks to its background and skills, FTC can support you from development to qualification. FTC can reply to your current requests on time and with cost control.
